i help passion-powered small + scaling business owners trust themselves at least as much as everyone else — so they can grow in ways that feel good + claim joy like it’s their job
gain clarity + find out what’s possible when you invite your inner wisdom to the planning party + let your joy lead the way.
i help passion-powered small + scaling business owners trust themselves at least as much as everyone else — so they can grow in ways that feel good + claim joy like it’s their job
gain clarity + find out what’s possible when you invite your inner wisdom to the planning party + let your joy lead the way.
(this is how you say my name 👉🏼)
i’m an intuition-driven decisionmaking coach, a connection-centered growth strategist, and an unapologetic joyclaimer
i also happen to be the best damn cheerleader you’ll ever meet —
(this is how you say my name 👇🏼)
i’m an intuition-driven decisionmaking coach, a connection-centered growth strategist, and an unapologetic joyclaimer
i also happen to be the best damn cheerleader you’ll ever meet —
i’ve always been a MUCH better cheerleader for PEOPLE than i ever was for sports, but i sure did love my ice hockey cheering days!
because i can’t help but support you enthusiastically + unconditionally in what matters to you most
i can take on your toughest meangirl selftalk with ease
and i won’t sidestep reality just to keep your inspiration high
i’ve always been a MUCH better cheerleader for PEOPLE than i ever was for sports, but i sure did love my ice hockey cheering days!
i’m on a mission to help you claim joy like it’s your job (because it is) — even when it feels selfish, foolish or impossible
why? because you get to
you don’t need to earn joy. you don’t have to BECOME worthy of joy
it’s already yours for the claiming, and it always has been
because i can’t help but support you enthusiastically + unconditionally in what matters to you most
i can take on your toughest meangirl selftalk with ease
and i won’t sidestep reality just to keep your inspiration high
(i’ve always been a MUCH better cheerleader for PEOPLE than i ever was for sports, but i sure did love my ice hockey cheering days!)
i’m on a mission to help you claim joy like it’s your job (because it is) — even when it feels selfish, foolish or impossible
claiming joy on my 70s-era kitchen floor with my childhood bestie charlie
you don’t need to earn joy
you don’t have to BECOME worthy of joy
it’s already yours for the claiming,
and it always has been
in a world that’s hellbent on you believing otherwise, i’m here to help you flip the bird to anyone who tries to tell you that joy hasn’t always been meant for you
(even if that someone is your own well-meaning but misguided self)
never underestimate the power of a smiling middle finger throw o generate + protect joy!
(never underestimate the power of a smiling middle finger throw to generate + protect joy!)
never underestimate the power of a smiling middle finger throw to generate + protect joy!
there will always be some sorta valid bullshit reason to sideline your joy — especially in your business
there will always be voices urging you to deprioritize your joy — insisting that it’s impractical, unreasonable + irresponsible to seek joy as a metric of success
there will always be some sorta valid bullshit reason to sideline your joy — especially in your business
there will always be voices urging you to deprioritize your joy — insisting that it’s impractical, unreasonable + irresponsible to seek joy as a metric of success
trusting yourself + the wisdom of your joy is a revolutionary act you can no longer afford to ignore
which isn’t to say it’ll always be easy. but that the leap will always be worth it
because your real true joy is the secret to deep, abiding satisfaction + success in life as well as biz
now, one thing about me — is i will leap :)
you too, i bet. when we get that inner call to make moves, we’ve got no problem making them, do we?
we don’t really need encouragement to take our leaps. we need support as we keep making them
and what no one ever talks about with leaps is that they are NOT one-and-done, leap + land events
the kind of leaps passion-powered visionaries + creators like us make require STAMINA + SUSTENANCE + CONTINUED SELF-TRUST to live INTO the leap —
to take more leaps as needed
to keep on leaping
to resist listening to the voices telling us we’re all the things we’ve ever feared for daring to do what they never would
the kind of leaps passion-powered visionaries + creators like us make require STAMINA + SUSTENANCE + CONTINUED SELF-TRUST to live INTO the leap —
to take more leaps as needed
to keep on leaping
to resist listening to the voices telling us we’re all the things we’ve ever feared for daring to do what they never would
before i was a coach, i was a middle school french teacher
people often assume that good teachers do it for the purpose. but i was a great teacher who got into it because:
my first several years as a middle school french teacher i didn’t have a classroom, and one of my classes was in the library. cute lol, right?
to be honest, i wasn’t sure i even had a purpose back then
i’ll gladly toot my own horn + say i was great at a lot and put my all into whatever i did, so i didn’t much figure i needed a purpose to do good things in the world —
then, while doing what i call “following the breadcrumbs” out of a post-divorce grieving period that lasted way longer than i wanted it to, i went + stumbled upon one
and surprise! it had nothing to do with my (at that point) 14-year career in education
so in 2015 i took my first biz leap
though not a leap, this pic from a local amusement park trip with my oldest niece + nephew sure does capture some of the energy of one!
i left the great job that didn’t light me up as bright or often as i knew it could. which meant also leaving:
it sure wasn’t easy, but i couldn’t NOT do it, ya know?
that one leap, though — it was just the beginning, the next 3 years kept me leaping in all sorts a ways:
before intuition-driven decisionmaking became the cornerstone of my life + biz, the strong connection i’ve always had to my own inner wisdom would actually make each of those leaps quite simple decisions to make
the challenge was in learning how to navigate new terrain each time — while staying true to myself, focused on my future goals (yet firmly planted in the now), and infusing joy all along the way
(because skew too far toward the future + you become less grounded in the ability to deliver now. get too bogged down in the intricacies of now + you lose motivation to keep getting after that big picture future)
it was a balancing act, to be sure. and if i thought it was challenging, the following several years showed me just how much more so things could become
in mid-2018 i unwittingly embarked on what we’ll call my “experimental” era in polite company, or my “floor is fucking lava” period for the rest of you lol
this is where i tried everything i could to pay my bills in ways that kept the divide between that now + later i just mentioned as narrow as possible (to varying degrees of success)
i said YES to anything remotely in the realm of what i was looking for (pun unintended, though most were done from home):
i was often engaged in several of these at once, for multiple clients, while also creating content for my own coaching business (and of course doing that coaching)
this precarious project patchwork space is where my faith was tested, my perseverance was called upon, and i had to contend with doubt, uncertainty + fear
it’s where i learned to flex the muscles that would grow to be my greatest allies in life + biz — establishing intuition-driven decisionmaking as a lifestyle, not just a barometer for “big” decisions
using it to live out the everyday consequences of each leap, in sorting through the HOWs of accomplishing the WHATs
limning the space between my former identity + the one in process of becoming — with curiosity, voracity + joy (even when i was really freaking broke)
facilitating a whole new relationship to self-trust + necessitating that i learn to cultivate it within spaces of new learning
while it was pretty easy to trust myself as a coach, the world of being a self-employed business owner (and all the marketing savvy THAT entailed) wasn’t familiar or fun
between the stories in my head + the ones i heard from others, i thought i wasn’t “good” at marketing + didn’t understand “good business”
you know who benefits from you thinking you’re not good at something? people selling their solution to that problem, their version of the only or best answer
that, and people who want to keep you small + dull your shine
#ProTip: sometimes these people are the same
so in the name of learning what i didn’t know, i spent a whole lotta time consuming alllllll the freebies, watching alllllll the workshops, and ravenously ingesting everything i could to get better at the biz of my biz — remember THAT fun phase of the journey?
i worked with a bunch a coaches:
i learned a LOT. and plenty of it was great
but when i hit up against guidance that felt gross or just not for me, this exhausting cycle would go down:
turns out i knew what the hell i was talking about after all. and i bet you do, too
it took me a couple years to get to the part where i could confidently skip the angst, trust my initial inner wisdom, and simply accept or reject a strategy at the start — without all the worry, whirl + waste
which doesn’t mean i never struggle with it now. but my core confidence is solid so i can use my practices to peacefully navigate the doubt cycle that comes with being a business owner — instead of getting swallowed by it
navigating those dark moments was where my trust + resolve were tested beyond anything i could have anticipated (still sometimes is)
navigating the disappointments, the points of desperation, the what-the-eff-do-i-do-NOW-ness of it all — that’s where my practices still cradle, nurture + hold me
where a boundless faith in myself + something more was exercised + grown
and where i can help you find + create the same, for boundless results in your own life + biz
because while it was valuable to gain understandings of strategies in order to know which parts COULD serve me, the damage to my self esteem + trust in my own decisionmaking was needless, as was the time wasted figuring it all out
if you sometimes struggle to trust yourself over or among industry experts or other people’s data, i would love to help you grow the solid core confidence + intuitive skillset that allows you to unapologetically blaze trails in your business by being so bold as to trust your own damn self, over + over again
with my signature card coaching method, i help you tune out the noise of what everyone else wants, thinks + believes (as well as any nasty inner self-talk, if needed) and tune in to your own gorgeous inner wisdom, so you can turn up the volume + sing it out in service of your most positively thriving business + life
whether we’re:
i’ll be a tireless cheerleader for presencing your unique wisdom + brilliance in your decisions
trained in transformative coaching through the graduate institute for holistic studies, wild soul movement embodiment philosophy + methodology with elizabeth dialto, and a variety of best teaching practices over the course of a 17-year career in public school education, mentorship + leadership, with deep + multifaceted in-the-field experience in online business since 2018 —
i’m uniquely qualified to help passion-powered small + scaling business owners invite their intuition to the planning party, grow in ways that feel good, and claim joy like it’s their job (because it is)
even when it feels like everyone else thinks it’s selfish, foolish or unimportant
this work is one of the most beautiful ways i get to claim joy like it’s MY job (BECAUSE IT IS!) thank you for your part
then say YES to CONNECT through the thriveandbloom insider email community! i love to share how i integrate my practices into action + how you can, too
plus, insiders are the first to know about new projects, offers + resources (often with special pricing or perks)